How to Keep Pacifiers from Falling Out of Crib? Useful Tips in 2024

Are you a parent who has been struggling with pacifiers falling out of your baby’s crib? Pacifiers can be a lifesaver when it comes to soothing your little one, but they can also be a source of frustration when they keep falling out of the crib and interrupting your baby’s sleep. If you’re tired of constantly retrieving pacifiers from the floor, keep reading.

In this article, we’ll share some simple and effective solutions how to keep pacifiers from falling out of crib and ensure a peaceful sleep for both you and your baby.

Are Pacifiers Useful for Babies?

Before we get into the solutions, let’s first understand why pacifiers are beneficial for babies. Pacifiers are not just a source of comfort, but also a way to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, offering a pacifier at naptime and bedtime can help lower the risk of SIDS. It will keep the baby stimulated and prevent them from sleeping too deeply.

Pacifiers can also help babies self-soothe and fall asleep faster, especially during the first few months of life when they are still adjusting to the new environment. Additionally, pacifiers can satisfy the natural sucking reflex that some babies have, which can calm them down and prevent them from overfeeding.

How to Choose the Right Pacifier?

How to keep pacifiers from falling out of crib
Pacifier Falling Out Of Crib

Bear in mind that not all pacifiers are created equal. There are different types, shapes, sizes, and materials of pacifiers available in the market, and choosing the right one for your baby can make a big difference. Here are some factors to consider when buying a pacifier for your little angel.


Pacifiers are usually made of silicone, latex, or rubber. Silicone is the most popular material because it is durable, easy to clean, and odorless. Latex is more flexible and soft, but some babies may be allergic to it. 


Pacifiers can have either an orthodontic or a symmetrical shape. Orthodontic pacifiers are designed to fit the shape of the baby’s mouth and promote proper jaw development. Symmetrical pacifiers are round and can be used in any direction.


Pacifiers come in different sizes depending on the age and weight of the baby. Choosing the right size is important to ensure a good fit and avoid choking hazards. Generally, pacifiers are categorized into three sizes: 0-6 months, 6-18 months, and 18+ months.


Pacifiers should be safe and hygienic for your baby. Look for pacifiers that are BPA-free, phthalate-free, and latex-free. Avoid pacifiers that have small parts that can break off or detach. Also, make sure to wash and sterilize pacifiers regularly and replace them every two months or when they show signs of wear and tear.

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Why Do Pacifiers Fall Out of the Crib?

There are several possible reasons why pacifiers fall out of the crib, such as:

Baby’s Mouth is Not Tightly Closed Around the Pacifier

One common reason why pacifiers fall out of cribs is that the baby’s mouth is not tightly closed around the pacifier. This can cause the pacifier to slip out of the baby’s mouth. 

Baby Moves Around in Their Sleep

Another reason why pacifiers fall out of cribs is that the baby may move around in their sleep. This movement can cause the pacifier to fall out of the baby’s mouth. 

Pacifier is Not Securely Attached

If the pacifier is not securely attached to the baby’s clothing or the crib, it can easily fall out. To prevent this, you can try using a pacifier clip to attach the pacifier to your baby’s clothing.

It’s important to note that pacifiers should never be tied or attached to a string or ribbon around the baby’s neck. This can be a choking hazard and is not safe for the baby.

How to Keep Pacifier from Falling Out of Crib?

A baby with pacifier in mouth is lying in the crib

Now that you have chosen the right pacifier for your baby, here are some ways to keep it from falling out of the crib:

Use A Mesh Crib Liner

A mesh crib liner is a breathable and safe way to create a bumper around the crib. It can prevent pacifiers and other items from falling out of the crib and getting lost. To install a mesh crib liner, simply position it against the walls of the crib and tie the ends to the crib bars. Mesh crib liners come in various colors and patterns and cost around $20-$50.

Use A Pacifier Clip

A pacifier clip is a handy accessory that can attach the pacifier to your baby’s clothes or crib. This way, the pacifier will always be within reach and won’t fall to the ground. Pacifier clips come in different designs and colors and cost around $5-$15 for a pack. However, be careful not to use a clip that is too long or has sharp edges, as it can pose a strangulation or injury risk.

Use A Pacifier Holder

A pacifier holder is a stuffed animal or toy that has a pacifier attached to it. It can serve as a cuddly companion for your baby and a convenient way to keep the pacifier in place. Pacifier holders are soft and plush and can be easily gripped by your baby. They cost around $10-$20 and come in various shapes and sizes.

Put Multiple Pacifiers in the Crib

A simple and effective way to keep pacifiers from falling out of the crib is to put several pacifiers in one corner of the crib. This way, there will always be a spare pacifier nearby when one gets tossed or lost. You can also scatter pacifiers around the crib to make it easier for your baby to find one. However, avoid putting too many pacifiers in the crib, as they can clutter the space and pose a suffocation risk.

Wait Until Your Baby is Asleep

If your baby tends to spit out their pacifier after falling asleep, you can wait until they are asleep and then return the pacifier. This can help prevent them from waking up when the pacifier falls out of the crib.

When to Wean Off Your Baby’s Pacifier?

It’s beneficial to provide your baby with a pacifier in the crib. But keep in mind that their long-term use can do more harm than good.

When to wean a pacifier out of the crib depends on various factors, including the age of the child and recommendations from experts. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) recommends reducing the use of the pacifier by 18 months.

Below are some useful strategies for weaning off the pacifier.

  • Limit pacifier use gradually: Start by reducing pacifier access to only nighttime or stressful situations as kids approach 18 months.
  • Introduce alternative soothing methods: Encourage your baby to find comfort in other ways, such as using a lovey or stuffed animal. These can serve as substitutes for the pacifier and provide a sense of security.
  • Use distraction techniques: When your baby reaches for the pacifier during non-sleep times, distract them with engaging activities or toys. Redirect their attention to something else to help them forget about the pacifier.
  • Weaning for older toddlers: If you have an older toddler, you can gradually cut down on pacifier use by designating specific times or situations when it is allowed. For example, only allow the pacifier during bedtime or when they are feeling unwell.
  • Implement a reward system: Create a reward chart or use a sticker system to motivate your child to give up the pacifier. Offer small rewards or praise for each milestone achieved, such as going a certain number of days without using the pacifier.

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FAQs About Keeping Pacifiers from Falling Out of Crib

Question: Is it safe to use a pacifier clip?

Answer: Pacifier clips are generally safe to use, but there is always a risk of suffocation. Be sure to supervise your baby when they are using a pacifier clip and never leave them unattended.

Question: Can pacifiers cause dental problems?

Answer: Prolonged use of pacifiers can cause dental problems such as misaligned teeth or a misshapen palate. It’s important to wean your baby off the pacifier by the time they are 2-4 years old to prevent these problems 2.

Question: How often should I clean my baby’s pacifier?

Answer: It’s important to clean your baby’s pacifier regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria. You can clean pacifiers by washing them with soap and water, or by using a pacifier sterilizer. It’s recommended that you clean your baby’s pacifier after each use.

Final Thoughts On How To Keep Pacifiers From Falling Out Of Crib

Pacifiers are a useful tool for soothing your baby and helping them sleep better. However, they can also be a source of annoyance when they fall out of the crib and make your baby cry. 

By using the tips and methods mentioned above, you can keep pacifiers from falling out of crib and ensure a restful night for you and your baby. 

Remember to choose the right pacifier for your baby, use a mesh crib liner, a pacifier clip, a pacifier holder, or multiple pacifiers in the crib to keep them in place. Happy sleeping!

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Aiman Ijaz
Aiman Ijaz

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