How to Sidecar A Crib In 2024? Best Guide for Safe Sidecaring

If you are looking for a way to share your bed with your baby without compromising on comfort and safety, you might want to consider a sidecar crib. 

In this guide, we will show you how to sidecar a crib in a few simple steps, as well as the benefits and safety tips of using a sidecar crib. So, let’s get started.

What is A Sidecar Crib?

A sidecar crib is a type of crib that attaches to your bed, creating a cozy and convenient sleeping space for your little one. You can easily reach your baby for feeding, cuddling, or soothing while still having enough room for yourself. A sidecar crib can also help you and your baby sleep better, as you can hear and feel each other’s presence. 

A sidecar crib is not only practical but also versatile. You can use it as a standalone crib, a toddler bed, or a travel crib, depending on your needs and preferences. 

Benefits of A Sidecar Crib

Adorable baby sleeping on crib mattress

A sidecar crib has many advantages over other sleeping arrangements, such as bed-sharing or using a separate crib. Here are some of the benefits of a sidecar crib:

Safe and Separate Sleeping Space

A sidecar crib provides a safe and separate sleeping space for your baby, reducing the risks of suffocation, overheating, or entrapment that can occur when sharing a bed with your baby. A sidecar crib also prevents your baby from falling out of the bed or getting stuck between the mattress and the wall. 

Easily Attend to Your Baby’s Needs

A sidecar crib makes it easier for you to attend to your baby’s needs during the night, such as feeding, changing, or comforting. You don’t have to get up or walk across the room to reach your baby, which can save you time and energy. You can also keep an eye on your baby without disturbing their sleep. 

Good for Bonding

A sidecar crib allows you to stay close to your baby, which can enhance the emotional connection between you and your baby. You can touch, smell, and hear your baby, which can stimulate the release of oxytocin, the hormone that promotes bonding and breastfeeding. You can also reassure your baby with your presence, which can make them feel more secure and relaxed. 

Makes the Transition Easy

A sidecar crib can make the transition to a separate room easier for your baby, as they are already used to sleeping in a crib. You can gradually move the crib away from your bed until your baby is ready to sleep in their own room. You can also use the sidecar crib as a toddler bed by adding a guardrail or a side panel to the open side.

How to Choose the Right Sidecar Crib?

Bear in mind that you cannot just go to the market and purchase a random sidecar crib. If you want to purchase a good and safe sidecar crib, you will have to put some extra effort.


Look for a sidecar crib that meets or exceeds the safety standards and is certified by reputable organizations, such as the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). The crib should have a sturdy construction, a firm mattress, and no loose or sharp parts. The crib should also fit snugly against your bed, with no gaps or spaces that could trap your baby. 


Choose a sidecar crib with adjustable height settings so that you can align it properly with your bed. The crib should be level with your mattress or slightly lower to prevent your baby from rolling into your bed. Some sidecar cribs also have tilt options, which can help with reflux or congestion issues. 

Ease of Assembly

A sidecar crib that is easy to assemble and disassemble is beneficial for parents who want to move it between rooms or take it on trips. Look for a crib that comes with clear instructions and all the necessary tools and hardware. Some sidecar cribs are also foldable or collapsible, which can make them more portable and compact. 

Additional Features

A sidecar crib may have additional features, such as convertibility or gliding functionality. These features can add to the comfort and convenience of the crib, but they are not essential. Always prioritize the safety and quality of the crib over the extra features. 

Don’t Skip: Crib In Front of Window: Is It Safe for Your Baby?

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Sidecar a Crib

A cute, adorable baby in his crib mattress

Now, we are going to discuss how to sidecar your crib safely – the most important section of this article. Don’t skip any step to ensure the safety of your little bundle of joy.

Clear Your Bed

Remove any pillows, blankets, or other items that could interfere with the attachment of the crib or pose a suffocation hazard for your baby. You should also make sure that your mattress is firm and flat. Your bed frame should also be stable and secure. 

Remove or Lower the Crib Side

Depending on the model of your crib, you may need to remove or lower the side that will face your bed. This will create an open side that will allow you to access your baby easily. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to remove or lower the crib side safely and correctly. 

Adjust the Crib Height

Adjust the height of the crib to match the height of your bed. You can use the height settings on the crib legs or the mattress base, depending on the design of your crib. You should measure the height of your bed and the crib to ensure that they are level or slightly lower. 

Fill Any Gaps

Fill any gaps or spaces between the crib and your bed with rolled-up towels, blankets, or pool noodles. You can also use a crib wedge or a foam bumper to fill the gap. This will prevent your baby from slipping or getting stuck between the crib and your bed. You should make sure that the gap filler is firm and snug and that it does not create any loose bedding in the crib. 

Secure the Crib to Your Bed 

Secure the crib to your bed using straps, hooks, or clamps, depending on the type of your crib and your bed. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to attach the crib to your bed safely and securely. You should also check that the crib is stable and does not move or wobble. 

Transitioning from A Sidecar Crib to Their Own Room? 

Transition can be challenging for some parents and babies, as you have to change the routine. However, you can make the process easier by following these tips:

  • Start the transition gradually by moving the crib away from your bed, then to another corner of your room, then to the hallway, and finally to your baby’s room.
  • Maintain a consistent bedtime routine, such as bathing, reading, and singing, to help your baby feel calm and secure.
  • Use a baby monitor, a night light, or a white noise machine to keep an eye and an ear on your baby and to create a soothing atmosphere.
  • Be patient and supportive, as your baby may protest or cry at first, but will eventually adjust to the new situation.

Can You Sidecar Crib with Twins? 

Absolutely! You can sidecar crib with twins. But you need to take some extra precautions to ensure their safety and comfort, such as:

  • Use a large crib that can accommodate both babies without crowding them.
  • Place each baby on their own side of the crib. Their feet should face the center and their heads should face opposite directions.
  • Use separate bedding for each baby, such as fitted sheets, sleep sacks, or swaddled. Avoid loose blankets, pillows, or toys.
  • Monitor your babies closely. Check on them frequently, especially if they tend to move around a lot or disturb each other.

Also Read: Best Cribs for Short Moms So You Pick Your Child Easily

FAQs About Sidecar Crib

Question: Is a sidecar crib safe for newborns?

Answer: Yes, if you follow the safety guidelines appropriately. However, some experts recommend waiting until your baby is at least three month old as newborns may face difficulty regulating their body temperature and breathing.

Question: How to sidecar crib safely? 

Answer: Follow these steps to sidecar your crib safely:

  • Remove or lower the side of the crib that will be attached to your bed.
  • Adjust the height of the crib to match the level of your mattress.
  • Fill gaps between the crib and your bed with rolled-up towels or blankets.
  • Secure the crib to your bed with straps, clamps, or bolts.

Question: Are there any drawbacks to sidecaring a crib? 

Answer: Sidecaring crib may also have some drawbacks, such as:

  • Cost: Sidecare cribs with additional features can be more expensive to buy.
  • Space: Sidecaring crib may take up more space in your bedroom, making it crowded or cluttered.
  • Noise: Sidecaring crib may expose you to more noise from your baby. This can disturb your sleep or your partner’s sleep.
  • Dependency: Sidecaring crib may make your baby more dependent on your presence. This can make it harder for them to sleep on their own or with other caregivers.

Final Word

We hope that this guide has provided you with all the necessary information on how to sidecar a crib. By choosing the right sidecar crib and following the step-by-step guide, you can create a safe and comfortable sleep environment for your baby while availing the benefits of co-sleeping. 

Happy sidecaring!

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Aiman Ijaz
Aiman Ijaz

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